Thursday 7 January 2010

Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence) - Talks at Google

Just finished watching this captivating scientifically-backed talk by Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence (wikipedia on EI) and respected psychologist.  As I'm working with graduates, the education system and employment, it becomes even more evident how so much emphasis is placed on IQ - cognitive intelligence - the grades you get in school and how high your degree percentage is.  From the education side of things, the realisation of emotional intelligence, or simply the competencies that make good employees beyond the ability to compute calculations, is worryingly absent.  With the advent of multinational business, companies like Infosys are changing the landscape of graduate/undergraduate training by rewarding those students who have personality, communication skills and demonstrate a good ability to work with others - typical traits of people with high emotional intelligence.  Thankfully, Daniel mentions that Emotional Intelligence has the characteristic of 'neuroplasticity' - in other words, it can be re-moulded through life.  One of the proven ways of doing this is actually meditation (it strengthens the prefrontal cortex).

Definitely a good one to watch:

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